Monday, 9 January 2012

Memo to Treasury

Steve Richards' excellent R4  David Cameron documentary - on iPlayer at - began to explore the internal blocks in government to the development of the Big Society. It struck me just how little the Treasury had put into the concept, both in terms of support and ideas. On reflection this is partly due to the lack of formal policy behind the concept, but it also suggests that the Treasury could be more pro-active in devising ways to support one of the PM's flagship pledges.

In the Unofficial Big Society Green Paper ( I have tried to be as inventive as possible in examining the potential for a truly big Big Society to take on a life of its own. I struggle to see the point of thousands of independent social enterprises, especially in the NHS, where it seems to be more of a backward step to a network of charitable foundations. I do however see the point of social enterprise and can also see that it has the power to energise and engage the wider population, something the Big Society is missing.

I would strongly suggest therefore that you look at ways of using social enterprise to build solid foundations for the Big Society. The Green Paper suggests a complete overhaul of taxation, pensions, health & social care and Government, resulting in an immediate return to a small government accompanied by a much fairer system which will over time support a gentle redistribution of wealth. In the process the Green Paper demonstrates that there are ways of shoring up the banks without Quantitative Easing, and ways of delivering QE which do not alienate your voters by appearing to favour the bankers. Finally, the Green Paper shows that with enhanced and more modern accounting, the budget deficit can be eradicated over the life of this parliament and it suggests better methods for measuring national wealth to evidence the success of these changes.

All in all, it is an excellent time for the Treasury to do some high level scoping of the ways that dramatic change can be used to strengthen our position and in the process build that elusive and truly big Big Society. Mr Cameron will be very grateful, and so will we. You might even get to do another term of government if you get this right.

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